Sweet-Potato Butter


Our Sweet-Potato Butter is made the old fashion way. Made with sweet potatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg and just enough sugar to balance out the flavors. The brilliant quality of the Sweet Potato takes center stag

Lightly spread Sweet-Potato Butter on your pork chops the next you grill. Just before you take the chops off the grill spread a teaspoon on top and let the meat rest a couple of minutes before serving.

Columbus brought this great potato on his journey to the New World.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz


  1. 5 out of 5


    If you like Sweet Potato’s you will love this butter. I purchased the butter for the first time at a festival. Ken Coe the owner of Southern Pride Gourmet Foods told me to spread the Sweet Potato Butter on my pork chops when they can off the grill. The chops are brought to the next level. Outstanding product.

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